Friday, September 30, 2011

File this one under "unprofound thoughts"

Ok. So I took a break from my blog-obviously. Why? Well, a friend told me that my last post may have been a bit harsh. And the criticism, as constructive as it was, hurt. She made a very valid point giving me an analogy saying that it was like I beat the dog for peeing in the house, but then didn't show him a better way. Ok, point taken. However, I felt that my anger was justified when I was writing it because I could and can honestly feel for the gay community, and honestly not blame them for having an issue with Christians, collectively.

Please also understand I am not saying I am any better, by any means. But as a sister in Christ, I felt the need to write on that topic because I do feel very strongly about it, and I am aware that some brothers and sisters may still feel some homophobia that they may need to pray for deliverance from, but to be aware of themselves even in the midst of Him changing you.
So perhaps my approach was in fact harsh, and I do apologize if it was offensive. That is never my intention. Ever.

So, since my little break, I have also realized that every post I make will not contain some deep spiritual wisdom....I'd be surprised if any of them did! But I do want to post more regularly, so all of my posts won't be as long by any means, and I'd like to really just talk about what God is doing in my life, in addition to any -possibly deep- thoughts I have about something.

With that being said, currently I am reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan and he is discussing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and how all of this is meaningless without love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, "Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love."

God has really been showing me lately the importance of this, and even now as I sit in Starbucks (my new, favorite, quiet time spot), I can see how He changes us to see people the way He sees them. The importance of not judging people based on their outward appearance...and this is a difficult thing to do. I have to catch myself every time I start to form opinions because the fact of the matter is that they are God's children too.

The other morning I was on my way into work and I just kind of zoned out, watching the people drive by in front of me, one by one, in morning rush hour traffic, and all of them focused on where they were going for the day. And I thought to myself, God has a LOT of children. And I wondered how many of them were living their lives for Christ. I wondered what they were going through...the ones that had left hand rings on....were they happy in their marriages? Did they have a good childhood? Would they live to see tomorrow?

Last night at my Bible study, we were discussing the children in Haiti and how this team that had went on a mission trip went to an orphanage, and the adults that were taking another team to the airport had left, so basically all that was in charge was this fifteen year old girl. And she had a little stack of clothes on her cot, and that was it. That was her life. 

These are the kinds of things we put out of our minds, that we grow numb too. I pray to God that we wouldn't grow numb or callous. These things are hard to swallow. It will keep you up at night. So much so, that the compassion we feel for these people can only be of God and, interestingly enough, God is the only one that can adequately help us cope with these very real feelings that are so unsettling. 

It was also interesting to me to realize that all these people -myself included- that sit in rush hour traffic, day after day, have seemingly stupid issues (strictly speaking of myself in the sense of stupid) that God also cares about hearing. He is amazing like that. And it definitely wasn't the first time I've thought to myself that I am so glad I'm not God. 

Just what's been on my mind lately...its true that we could stand in awe of Him forever...the things we don't and can't understand about Him are limitless...but so are the things we can...or at least try to. Like His overwhelming, equal, unselfish love for the children in Haiti, and the guy in that service van in the next lane, and also, for you.

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