Friday, September 16, 2011

If you watch the links, it could take you roughly 2.5 hours to get through this post.

I can't believe it's been like....what? 6 days since I posted? It does bug me because this blog is really like a form of worship for me. But this has been a great, busy week for me; I started a new job AND added a new Bible study to my week, which is SUPER exciting, so I know God will cut me some slack- I've still been in His Word in other ways.

I say this like I have so many people that read my blog, ha!

James 5:16 says, "Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results."

With that being said, I have a bit of a confession to make. It's kind of embarrassing.

--Like I have so many people that read this.--

But hey, I guess you never know. Anyway, the confession is that last night, I was veggin' out on my couch watching...what was it?....oh, The Office (HILARIOUS show) and for quite possibly the hundredth time, I saw a commercial for I don't know WHY last night was different, but for SOME reason I ended up on the site. They have lovely drop down menus that are easy to fill in, and before I knew it, I had a  profile. 

I KNOW. I can't believe it either.


Once I started to fill in more about my profile, I realized several things. One of the things is that I do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I want a man of God. I also know what that DOESN'T look like-I've been there. But it seems that He is showing me what a man of God DOES look like. Another thing I realized is that my heart is well guarded, and PRAISE GOD for that!

Funny that this all happened today, but my best friend sent me a link to this sermon -->, and WOW. I honestly think every man should hear it. And women. EVERYONE! This guy cuts men NO SLACK. It is intense. And awesome. So I listened to this, and my already high standards went up even further.

Then I was prompted to listen to the sermon preceding this, geared toward women --> I love the difference in the two sermons. I also love how he treats his wife when she comes to take questions at the end. He is so sweet to her, and the pet names he calls her - adorable. I love that.

So anyway, this got me to thinking about what it means to be a woman of God within a marriage. I had talked the other day to a friend of mine - who is not seeking Christ - and he was going on and on about how he thinks it's crap that the Bible says that women have to be submissive to their husbands and how it's so outdated and all this and that. I was telling him that, as a woman of God, I do not find this offensive. As an opinionated, can-be-mouthy, woman of God, I do not find this offensive.

In the sermon dealing with marriage and women, Driscoll discusses this. The verse in question is 1 Peter 3:1-6, verse 1, part 1 specifically. This is where people freak out:

"Wives 1 In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands..."

Some versions say to be submissive. This does NOT translate to being oppressed. If you are a Godly woman, I encourage you to study, Biblically, what a Godly man should look like. If you get into a relationship with a man of God that oppresses you, there is something seriously wrong. Your husband should want the best for you, AS CHRIST WANTS THE BEST FOR YOU. Look at how Jesus loves the Church, His Bride. There should be a direct correlation.

I may post more on this topic later, but I did want to update here, and this is what I've been looking at today. For now I have to sleep. :)

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