Thursday, September 8, 2011

This is not about us. Part 1.

Oh my God. My God, He is good.

This whole week I have been resisting God. I don't know why I do that. That's why I haven't posted. Because if I don't have quality time with Him, I don't feel inspired to write, and all the ideas I have....seem to vanish. Which is cool, and I am thankful for that because then the point of this blog would just be shot to crap. 

But God is faithful. And persistent. I love that about Him. Even when I reading a book instead of my Bible if I haven't read my Bible all day, or watching tv, or doing something instead of focusing on Him, I can still feel Him pulling at my heart like, "Hey, come spend time with me. You need it."

Most of the time it's not about me praying. I pray all the time. Sometimes I feel like I pray all day. I'm not meaning this to brag about myself or anything, I just have a LOT to pray about. I pray for a LOT of people, this takes time. Most of the time in the car, I'll mean to turn my radio on and before I do, I've gotten to where I'm going and have been praying the whole time. I can talk THAT MUCH.

My issue is spending time letting Him do the talking.

But God...I love when He causes me to be at a loss for words. That's how I know He is truly amazing, among a plethora of other when I can't even articulate....Him. He is.

It's funny how He seems to save chapters in books I'm reading or devotionals or sermons for when I need to hear them. That's how I know He loves me, among a plethora of other reasons. THAT is how He talks to us, through His word.

Take this past week for example. I barely had any quiet time. I started to worry...worry that I haven't really felt in about a long while, since I can say I've truly been seeking His face. I read in one of my books that as believers, we have the PRIVILEGE of not worrying. Even as I'm writing this, I was thinking of what verse to use here. It's funny because if you go to (do it now, open a new tab quick) and once you pick what version you like best, type in "worry". The results are RIDICULOUS. I even had no idea. EVERY VERSE - I came up with 38, with my New Living Translation, says not to worry, or don't worry, or why worry, or talks about how worrying is useless. THIRTY EIGHT VERSES PEOPLE!!!


I feel like God doesn't want us to worry...

It's funny too because in the midst of all this, He reminded me that worrying is only the result of focusing on MYself and MY life.

Ooh. See what He did there? 

It's true. If we are truly focused on Him....we should have no worries. He takes care of us. The Bible says so, and for the (loveable) punk that wants to know where that verse is, one place you can find it is Matthew 6:33:

33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

I feel like perhaps there should be a part 2 to this. Because I want to talk more about why it's not about you or me and why it is and should be about God....

So stay tuned! 

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