Friday, September 9, 2011

This is not about us. Part 2.

Even as I sit here to write the second part of this, I find myself wondering about a ton other things that are directly related to ME and MY blog.

No no no. Stop it Jolene.

This is not about you. This is about God. It is ALWAYS about God. It has to be.

I started reading this book that a ton of people recommended to me by Francis Chan called Crazy Love. (What? You're just now reading that?! ...I know, I know. Yes.)

In the book, chapter 2, Chan lays it out for us. He basically says that throughout creation, it is all about God. GOD created the Heavens and the Earth, GOD created Adam and Eve and performed the first marriage ceremony, GOD has His people rebel against Him, GOD floods the earth, GOD singles out an old man- Abram and says he will be the father of nation....skip way down the line, GOD sends His son to die for us (Chan calls this the climax of the story which is cool, because it so is), and then His son dies to go back to Heaven to be with GOD. Chan goes on to say the story isn't over yet, we know this because we are living it....or perhaps that's debatable, but I digress.

Chan lays it out like a movie in which GOD is the main character. Brilliant. Doesn't Jesus say, "I AM"? Yes. John 4:25,26:

25 The woman said, “I know the Messiah is coming—the one who is called Christ. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”

26 Then Jesus told her, “I Am the Messiah!”

Jesus is like, "Look lady, I am it! I am the real deal, the meat of the meat and potatoes!"

I was reading this, and I'm gonna be honest. I didn't like it. I thought to myself, "well but what about me Jesus?" ok, well then lets flip this.

What if your life is about you? What if the movie is about you?

Personally, my movie would be pretty daggum boring and ordinary and just like everyone else. Especially considering that I've realized lately that everything I thought I wanted to do with my life may not be what I am supposed to do with my life.

What makes us different is that we follow God. A GOD that is different. A GOD that causes us to BE different. A GOD that blesses us because we CANNOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP OURSELVES. 

THE God.

This was a hard pill for me to swallow, I'm gonna be honest. I like people to like me. I like to talk, we established this in my previous post. I like people to think I'm cool. I like even more for my friends that aren't Christ followers to see the changes He is making in me, and still be cool with me, and still want to talk to me and hang out with me. Just because they see I will not judge them, but that I want to love on them, like Jesus does. 

But at the end of the day it is NOT about me, or people liking me. It's about what GOD is doing, not only in my life, but what He's doing in the world, and what He's done, and what He will do. GOD is the story people.

Even when I go to church on Sunday, I pray, "God, I really just wanna hear from you this morning, you know what's going on with me, I just spent the last 20 minutes in the car straight telling you what's going on with me, now I want to hear from you."

Then it occurred to me, "What if I went to church with ONLY the thought of worshiping Him in my head? That's all I want to do is be in Your presence, and be humbled by Your power and majesty." ....And I knew, that if I did that, He would just bless the junk out of that Sunday service for me. Because that's how He works. He is FREAKING AWESOME like that.

So how about we stop it with the "what about me?" and focus on worshiping Him. That's what we are supposed to be doing anyway. And as I write this, I can tell that most of this is directed at myself, and I am thankful for it.
Every other blessed (yes, I said that like 'bless-sed') thing falls into place when we keep our eyes focused on Him. Why is it so hard? Because we are selfish beings. Look at the world, it's evident.

Just remember that Jesus will help us out with this. Focus on Him. He is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE. He is your LIFE. 

So let us live like that.

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